
from master

Q&A:我喝茶兩年,發現自己改變不大,臉色暗沈,內在焦灼,請問喝什麼茶可以排毒? I have drunk tea for two years, but I have changed little, my face is dark, I feel anxious, may I ask what tea should I drink to detox?


Since you're drinking tea you're already fine. You are not so poisoned, you don’t need to detox all the time. None of us has poison, it is our thoughts that are poisonous, negativities are poisonous, you don’t have any problems at all. If someone changes slowly, it is because we are still unwilling to change, making changes requires determination.


(何在彬會長嘉言 2016.09.11臺灣臺中國際茶會)