
from master

我們是來創造一個新的世界,你們都是靈性的進階者,都是協助地球創造新的世界,所以我們喝茶,本身是非常有創造力的一種生活方式We are here to create a new world. You are all spiritual advancers to help the Earth to create a new world. Therefore, the tea we drink is a very creative way of life.


Our Tea Tao life is actually a kind of spiritual life.  It is a way of life that to  find our balance between body and the mind.  Because now the Earth urgently needs more people to open up the treasure of their hearts and assist the Earth.  We are here to create a new world.  You are all spiritual advancers to help the Earth to create a new world.  Therefore, the tea we drink is a very creative way of life.