from master
現在我們創造一種茶道生活,很多人在一起,這個整體的力量一下子達到幾十次方的倍數,所以能量清理的很快。Now we have created Tea Tao Life together. At our gatherings, the collective energy multiplies exponentially, and energy clearing happens with remarkable swiftness.
In the past, the teaching of Dharma for achieving enlightenment was done one by one, and it was not possible to reach many people at once. But now, we have created Tea Tao Life together. At our gatherings, the collective energy multiplies exponentially, and energy clearing happens with remarkable swiftness. What used to take lifetimes yet was difficult to achieve, now you can reach the fifth dimension in this lifetime, at least for those who are willing to change their mindset. It was much harder to do in the past.