from master
你的頂輪上方是你的晶體,你的晶體才能夠連結所有宇宙、所有源頭的能量。Above your crown chakra is your crystalline body, and only through this crystalline body can you connect with all universal energies and the Source.
過去一般不會公開談論這些 ,最快的方式:試著從你的心、意識直接到眉心輪,因為你的頂輪上方是你的晶體,你的晶體才能夠連結所有宇宙、所有源頭的能量。
In the past, it was not openly discussed. The quickest way is to try to connect from your heart, through your consciousness, directly to your third eye chakra. Above your crown chakra is your crystalline body, and only through this crystalline body can you connect with all universal energies and the Source.