from master
喝茶敏感度是很高的。You all have a heightened sensitivity to tea.
你們喝茶敏感度是很高的,不太一樣。我們不管到任何地方,清理過以後,就算再隔幾年去,那個磁場也完全不同。我們雖然沒談什麼, 無形中隨時都在跟這個世界結善緣,我們吸收累一點沒什麼關係,喝喝茶,就很容易恢復,這就是愛的意識。每個例子告訴你不要忘記心中永遠的愛,這才是回家的道路。
You all have a heightened sensitivity to tea, which is quite special. No matter where we go, after we cleanse a space, even if we return years later, the energy field there remains changed. Even if we don’t speak much about it, we are constantly forming positive connections with the world around us. It’s fine if we absorb a bit, more—drinking tea afterward helps us easily recover, as this is the consciousness of love. Each experience reminds you to keep love in your heart always—that is the way home.