

tea scores

愛的時光 Times of Love


一早世界打開光明之心 Early in the morning, the world opens the heart of light 我的心帶著愛與世界相見 My heart meets the world with love 我心中點亮了繁星 Stars light up in my heart 讓黑夜在我耳邊,傾訴愛的細語 May dark nights whisper words of love in my ears 生命之弦讓你的每一觸動,都會奏出愛的樂章 With the Strings of Life, your every move plays the music of love 讓生命有空曠寧靜的所在,有開放的空間 Let there be emptiness, quietude, and open space in life 讓忙碌的日子得到陽光空氣 Let sunshine and air in your busy days 你只管向前走 Just keep going 路上自有鮮花不斷綻放 Flowers will be blooming along the way 從自然界的意象 Through the guidance of the signs in nature 引領你看見天地萬物的神妙 You can see the mysteries and wonders of all things in the universe 找回內在的詩意 Discover your inner poetry 點燃自己的燈火 Light up your own lamp 吟唱自己的歌 Sing your own songs 讓每個呼吸吐納芬芳 Let every breath exhales fragrance 愛存在每個生命裡 Love exists in every life 打開你的心 Open your heart 從愛中連結萬物與所有生命 From within love, connect with all things and all lives 你的夢會在繁花之中綻放 Your dream will flourish among lots of flowers
