

tea songs

神性的太陽 The Divine Sun


神性的太陽 The Divine Sun 在充滿神奇與榮耀中 In full miracle and glory 對你們敞開祂的心 He opens his heart to you 回到你們心中的愛 Return to your love within hearts 回到心中所住的地方 Back to where you live within hearts 在你們自己的內在 Within yourselves 找到失去的天堂 Find the lost paradise 我深深渴望地球再度成為和平的星球 I deeply long for the Earth to become a peaceful planet again 一起體驗愛和真誠的手足情誼 Experience love and sincere brotherhood 盡力去鏟除心靈花園中的雜草 Do your best to root out the weeds in your garden of soul 為自己的生命選擇一個更喜樂、更豐足的命運 Choose a more joyful and abundant destiny for your own life 每個人都是那麼珍貴,那麼美麗,那麼精彩,那麼獨特 Each of you is so precious, so beautiful, so astonishing, so unique 以更大的自在和優雅去營造自己的生命 Build your own life with greater confidence and elegance 為生命中的每一個面向創造神奇 Create miracles for every facet of your life 願愛與智慧和更深的了悟成為你們的燈塔 May love, wisdom and deeper understanding become your guiding lighthouse
