

tea songs

漫步人生 Take a Stroll in Your Life


漫步人生 Take a Stroll in Your Life 微風正輕撫著你 The breeze is caressing you 溫柔地擁抱著你 Embracing you tenderly 溫暖的陽光輕觸著你 The warm sunshine touches you softly 鳥兒正在為你歌唱 The birds are singing for you 萬物都在週期裡進化 All living things are the in the cycle of evolution 讓愛的詩句 Let the poem of love 充滿整個世界 Fill the whole world 就像一場春雨洗去地球沉積已久的汙泥 Just like a spring rain that washes away the old sludge deposition of the Earth 珍惜獨處的時光 Cherish the time of being alone 只有在寂靜之中 Only in silence and stillness 才能聽到自己靈魂的低語 That you could hear the whisper from your own soul 你內在平和與寂靜的地方 Your inner place with peace and stillness 那是屬於永恆的 Belongs to eternity 微風正輕撫著你 The breeze is caressing you 溫柔地擁抱著你 Embracing you tenderly 溫暖的陽光輕觸著你 The warm sunshine touches you softly 鳥兒正在為你歌唱 The birds are singing for you 萬物都在週期裡進化 All living things are the in the cycle of evolution 讓愛的詩句 Let the poem of love 充滿整個世界 Fill the whole world 就像一場春雨洗去地球沉積已久的汙泥 Just like a spring rain that washes away the old sludge deposition of the Earth 珍惜獨處的時光 Cherish the time of being alone 只有在寂靜之中 Only in silence and stillness 才能聽到自己靈魂的低語 That you could hear the whisper from your own soul 你內在平和與寂靜的地方 Your inner place with peace and stillness 那是屬於永恆的 Belongs to eternity 用心中的熱情和夢想的力量 With the strength of passion and dreams in your heart 散發源源不絕的靈感與光 Emitting endless inspiration and light 所有深切的渴望將被實現 Everything you deeply long for will be achieved
