

tea songs

伴聖人行天下 Follow the path of the Saint


新時代跨上了駿馬 Towards the new era we gallop 河面上激蕩著浪花 Waves dancing on the river 看雄鷹飛翔藍天下 See the eagle flying over the blue sky 多自由追逐著彩霞 Freely chasing after rainbow clouds 我想問世界有多大 How big is the world I wonder 小鳥兒唱歌不回答 The birds sing with no answers 我聽說未來美如畫 The future is beautiful I heard 去實現夢想多偉大 How great it is to fulfill this dream 伴隨著聖人行天下 Following the path of the Saint 勇敢的腳步快出發 Stride fast with brave heart 流動的生命有了茶 Tea flows in my life 譜一曲新時代神話 The Tale of God in the New Era 伴聖人快樂行天下 Following the path of the Saint 因為愛來到這裡呀 We came here because of Love 當我們一天天長大 As we grow up day by day 會看到生命美如畫 We will see that life is beautiful 晚風中佇立夕陽下 Feeling the evening breeze and the sunset 看海鷗輕輕飛海峽 Seagull flying across the strait 銀河裡星星把眼眨 Stars shining in the galaxy 閃著光悄悄說情話 The twinkle lights tell a love story 天堂裡傳來你好嗎 How are you, I hear greetings from heaven 用淚水盡情來回答 I answer with my tears and my heart 山之巔點亮了燈塔 Like a lighthouse on top of a mountain 請相信指引會到達 Believe in the guidance that shows the way 伴聖人浪漫行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請用愛盡情去播撒 Spread your love 當我們一天天長大 As we grow up day by day 會看到生命美如畫 We will see that life is beautiful 伴聖人浪漫行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請用愛盡情去播撒 Spread your love 當我們一天天長大 As we grow up day by day 會看到生命美如畫 We will see that life is beautiful 伴聖人因愛行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請帶上孩子們回家 Please bring your children home 伴聖人為愛行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請帶上孩子們回家 Please bring your children home 回家 回家 Home 伴聖人因愛行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請帶上孩子們回家 Please bring your children home 伴聖人為愛行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請帶上孩子們回家 Please bring your children home 伴聖人為愛行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請帶上孩子們回家 Please bring your children home 伴聖人為愛行天下 Following the path of the Saint 請帶上孩子們回家 Please bring your children home
