
from master

你光亮了,照亮這個世界。When you shine, you illuminate the world.

有時候你們碰到一些很沉重的過程,要寬恕自己,先把這些能量釋放掉, 轉換以後想盡辦法讓自己快樂,這樣才不會傷害自己。 我們傷害自己,我們的磁場也會影響周邊。你光亮了,照亮這個世界,所有的都會受影響。

Sometimes, when you encounter a difficult and heavy process, forgive yourself first. Release that energy, transform it, and find every way to bring yourself joy so that you won’t harm yourself. When we harm ourselves, our energy field also impacts those around us. When you shine, you illuminate the world, and everything around you is brightened.